Lion’s Gate 2024 Online Activations


Lion’s Gate:

The time of year when the Nile floods. The flooding of the Nile was indicated by the appearance of the star Sirius. For the Ancient Egyptians, Sirius was equal to Isis, and the Nile to the Milky Way, so the flood brought not only the physical fertility of the earth, but the rebirth of Kemet in the light of the stars.

The flooding of the Nile no longer reaches Egypt, because it was regulated by the construction of the Great Dam, but the sphinx energy process is still alive today.

Lion’s Gate period:

By July 26, the star of Sirius will become visible in the sky, thus opening the Light Portal of the Lion’s Gate. The energy of the Lion’s Gate peaks on August 8 (8:8), when Sirius, the three stars of the belt of Orion (Nimrod) and the Earth are perfectly aligned. At that time, Orion’s belt aligns with the three Pyramids of Giza, and Sirius aligns with the Great Pyramid.

For Ancient Egypt, Orion is analogous to Osiris, Sirius to Isis, i.e. the Lion’s Gate, we can see it as a reunification of the two. The culture of Kemet – i.e. Ancient Egypt – was born from the Holy Marriage of Isis and Osiris, and the Lion’s Gate thus gives us access to the high-vibration consciousness that we lived on Earth when Egypt flourished.

The portal is active until August 12.

On August 8, the current Light Codes will flow through the 8:8 Light Gate. This heavenly gift first reaches the land of Egypt on the Giza Plateau, at the Sphinx, and then spreads across the planet from there, giving all of humanity a chance to ascend.

Lion’s Gate Activation 2024:

For seven years we were blessed to receive the Light Codes on the Giza Plateau and pass them on from there. You could connect with us online, and for the last three years also in person on this powerful occasion.

In the second half of 2023, we first felt the call to connect the power points of Kemet with the sacred places of other lands. This gave birth to the Origin Codes – Egypt, Tanzania, Zanzibar Travel.

And now the Lion’s Gate has invited us to help out the Codes, so this year we are hosting the 8:8 Activation at the Temple of the Delphi Oracle.

Sacred Pattern of Lion’s Gate 2024:

Every year, the incoming energies draw a pattern on the Giza Plateau, from where it is transcribed into Gaia’s aura and into our energy bodies. This year, the incoming energy draws the FLOWER OF LIFE symbol, and with this the Codes flow out, inviting us all to wake up to how much transformational energy flows from us when we consciously live everything that the Lion Gates have awakened us to.

Lion's Gate 2024, Flower of Life

You can join us for the Lion’s Gate 2024 Activations online:


LION’S GATE 2024  8:8 Activation

Lion’s Gate 8:8 Online Package  includes:

  • 8:8 Activation from the Oracle of Delphi.
  • The video of the preparation process, the messages of which are recorded in special, sacred places in today’s Greece (The Megalithic Remains of Athens, The Argos Pyramid, The Arcadian Gate and the Lion’s Gate of Mycenae)

Lion’s Gate 8:8 Online Package investment: 44,88USD