Sacred Tours

We invite you to travel with us in person. Come to Egypt and let us lead you through the wonders of the Ancient and Modern Egypt. Our tours are not ordinary tourist journeys. Both of us have our own unique perspective for the mysteries of Kemet. On our tours you get the best of history, Egyptology and Spirituality (Kemetic and Sufi).

Mystery Teachings

Kemet. Ancient Egypt. The Land of Isis. The home of mysteries, temples and pyramids. Egypt is a dream of many of us. We yearn to look beyond the veils of Isis and learn of her secrets. Our mystery teachings help you to discover temples, pyramids, sacred places, symbols, myths from the perspective of Egyptology, Spirituality and Sufism.


Many of us has a strong connection with Kemet, and this connection can help us at important phases in our lives. There are times of the year when powerful portals are opening, and we have to chance to take a leap in consciousness. Through the personal audio and video journeys we channel for you the messages of Kemet at those special times or whenever you needed.


There are stories hidden between the temple walls of Egypt and in the sacred water of the Nile. We are Lovers of Kemet, we were called to tell her stories, we are channels allowing the memories held in the stones, murals, sand, water to come alive in our books. Our novels will take you on a journey through space and time and in your own Soul.

About us

Kriszta is a Priestess of Avalon, born in Hungary, living in Egypt since 2011. Her love with both Ancient¬¬ and Modern Egypt has become a devotion. Karim El Zawahry is native to the beautiful, abundant land of Egypt. He is a tour guide with deep knowledge of history and Egyptology, and he has a special way to touch the hearts of the visitors of this ancient land. Together we will take beyond the veils covering the mysteries of Kemet, and through what she reveals you might understand yourself more…


Andara Crystals 5.

Andara Crystals

Andara Crystals – from Egypt: Egyptian Andara Crystals are found near the Temple of Isis. Not by chance. As the Andaras told me in the Temple of Isis of the

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Veres Kriszta

Dandara, the Temple of Hathor

Dandara. This is where the Temple of Hathor is waiting with its mesmerizing blue ceilings and walls. The temple is a true gift of the Ptolemaic Period. However it is

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